General Forensic utilities




Agent Ransack Mythicsoft Search multiple files using Boolean operators and Perl Regex
CaseNotes Lite Blackthorn Contemporaneous notes recorder
Computer Forensic Reference Data Sets NIST Collated forensic images for training, practice and validation
EvidenceMover* Nuix Copies data between locations, with file comparison, verification, logging
FastCopy Shirouzu Hiroaki Self labelled ‘fastest’ copy/delete Windows software. Can verify with SHA-1, etc.
File Signatures Gary Kessler Table of file signatures
HexBrowser Peter Fiskerstrand Identifies over 1000 file types by examining their signatures
HashMyFiles Nirsoft Calculate MD5 and SHA1 hashes
MobaLiveCD Mobatek Run Linux live CDs from their ISO image without having to boot to them
Mouse Jiggler Arkane Systems Automatically moves mouse pointer stopping screen saver, hibernation etc.
Notepad ++ Notepad ++ Advanced Notepad replacement
NSRL NIST Hash sets of ‘known’ (ignorable) files
Quick Hash Ted Technology A Linux & Windows GUI for individual and recursive SHA1 hashing of files
USB Write Blocker DSi Enables software write-blocking of USB ports
USB Write Blocker Sécurité Multi-Secteurs Software write blocker for Windows XP through to Windows 8
Windows Forensic Environment Troy Larson Guide by Brett Shavers to creating and working with a Windows boot CD

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