Follow the Steps Given Below
- Project should be bug free.
- Remove extra validation from Android tool
- Windows -> Preferences -> Android -> Lint Error Checking =>Ignore All
- Create Key Store
- Right click on project -> Android tool -> Export Signed Application Package
- Select Project name
- Give location path where key will save.
- Enter Password as android and alias as androiddebugkey
- Enter details in the following image:
- Give release apk path:
- Now APK is ready to place into Google play console.
- If application uses some Google API like Map, then you need to do several steps more which are in the following way:
- Go to Windows -> Preference -> Android -> Build -> custom debug key Store -> Browse. You will get the following screen:
- Click on browse and select keystore file:
- Copy SHA1 fingerprint and Click on Ok. Replace SHA1 fingerprint with old one in Google API console.